Warm Fuzzies
Group Project
The idea was inspried by an activity we did during Dev Academy Bootcamp, which is called "positive gossiping". It is designed to give positive feedback to a friend or team member, pretending they cannot hear you. It was a great experience all for us, hence an online version is created during our final group project.
In this web app, you can send warm fuzzies to someone without physically being in the same space with them. It can be used to celebrate special occations, such as birthdays and graduations, or just to give positive vibes to someone when they feel a bit down.
Project MVP
- a landing page to create a board with the person's name, a page to enter comments/compliments for the person, and a final page to display all the comments.
- we'll need 3 routes, a post route for the board table, a post route for comments(texts or images), a get route to display all the comments.
- stretch: beautiful css, patch and delete route to update and delete comments, authentication(log in and send link), update and delete comments.
Stack used
React, Redux, Bootstrap, Superagent, Express, Knex, Auth0, Heroku.
Technology Research
Research was conducted around uploading photo to server and database, displaying a masonry layout, and generate a modal to copy and share the link.
Agile Rituals
- MVP functionality
- Stretch 1 (edit/delete comments)
- Stretch 2 (edit/delete cards)
- Stretch 3 (themes)
- Stretch 4 (authentification)
reflect (after each sprint)
standup (everyday at 9am, before lunch 12.30pm and around 3.00pm, plus on demand)
kanban board
(See link here)
Meet the team
Frontend Lead: Andrea
Backend Lead/Gitkeeper: Cassie
Scrum Master: Chris
Product owner: Emma